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Guest Book




Remembering Our High School


Many photographs will be included within this website. I just received a large batch from John E from the collection of his mother and hope that many more of you will provide photos, especially from our earlier school days. Your recent personal photos will be included on your own individual profile pages, but early school and group photos will be included in this Gallery section.

Due to the size of photographs, this Gallery will be subdivided into several different pages by subject matter. On some pages, a small photo will be provided with a description, and you can then view each image in two or more larger sizes. They will each open in a new window to provide you with a good clear look. You may keep more than one window open at a time, but if you keep too many open at once, you may crash your browser and/or find that it becomes very slow. The larger the image and file size, the slower it is to load.

I will work on one page of photos at a time, and keep updating this page with a list of what is available. It will change frequently, both as I have the time to do the work and as new photos are submitted by any of you who wish to contribute.

The following Gallery pages are completed. Brace yourselves and take a look!



Grade Schools

Sports - Basketball

Sports - Football

School Buildings

Bay State Today





Last updated 3/14/13



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